Mets Police Morning Laziness: suddenly baseball games end too late?

Well there’s nothing new at all about the Mets unless you want to randomly speculate about the manager position so let’s talk about Playoff Baseball.

I see people mentioning how late the game ended.  You think?  Arguing about the length and start times of playoff baseball is an argument lost in the 1990s. Try to save what’s left of the sport by saving the regular season.  I continue to not watch any of it, other than vaguely looking at the Yankees the other night because it was on in the sports bar while I got some wings.

There’s also something called Thursday Night Football that people watch.  I don’t know why.

Being from the 1970s I get why I would have watched Nats-Cubs in a different age.  There were three (seven) channels.  In a world of the internet, Netflix, a full DVR, video games and sleep I have no interest in any of this.

What’s really interesting is baseball is a mess, I see empty seats at NFL games, and soccer just committed suicide….is this going to be the age of the NBA Superteams?  Ask the next generation… old baseball fans can sit here waiting for the Mets to win again while we grow old and die and no younger fans enter the game.  Except in the Bronx of course…all rise.

SLACKISH REACTION:  The Orville continues to be on point.  Very very good mix of TNG with enough realistic human behavior on top.  Not camp, just fun.  Meanwhile, the other thing claiming to be Star Trek is just terrible.  Tonight…video games.  Enjoy the 5 hour baseball game.