The World Series Is Over

What did you guys think about the World Series?
 I have to say that the start times sucked for the games but the games themselves were pretty exciting. I haven’t looked up the ratings yet but how is a sport supposed to grow fans with such out of control start times? I can’t even stay up that late and I work 20 hrs a day.
 Shannon and I mess around a lot about soccer vs baseball and I want you to know that I have tried to give soccer a chance and it is not exciting for me at all. Baseball while exciting to me has started to get in its own way with all the minute pitching changes which needs to to be fixed. Enough with the lefty/right, righty/lefty matchups. If you are a major league player you should be able to hit or pitch against another major leaguer. Stop overthinking the sport.
 As I said on my blog, I am glad Carlos Beltran got a ring. Mets fans have vilified him enough over the years for that strike out in 2006. That was one of the nastiest pitches that I have seen. If he had swung at it, you would have gotten a “Why did he swing at that pitch?” narrative instead. It would have been cool for Cutis Granderson to have gotten a WS Championship ring but it wasn’t in the cards. That guy is a class act and deserved one. I wonder if he retires…
 The Mediagoon hostile takeover of Metspolice is still happening folks. Let’s see how long it takes for Shannon to figure it out….

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