Wow. As you know every Mets fan but me and the T-Shirt Army have quit the Mets after the combination of the Yankees investing a quarter billion dollars in one player and Sandy cracking a joke.
That leaves just me and the T-Shirt people as the only Mets fans left. I am looking forward to rooting for Dom and Amed, Yo, Thor and Jake and my man Flores.
The t-shirt people are going with this design this year…
Whoa Swoosh!!!
Now I am on record as having told Darren that if he does Mercury in 2019 I will attend all the Army home games* (* unless I have to work or something reasonable other than me just being lame) – so Swooshness makes me hope we might get Mercury Army in 2019.
Anyway I’d say I’d see you guys on Opening Day but everyone quit the Mets so never mind.