DID THE METS GET ANY NEW PLAYERS: No. You want them to get players two days in a row? They are pretending to get Jason Kipnis today. I have no idea who he is.
SLACKISH REACTION: The force ghost of Ja’zzon Frylo visited me last night and reminded me of the ways of the block. While I enjoy mixing it up on twitter I can’t stand the people who are just filled with constant hate. So I have learned from Black Mirror and done this to them.
I will not discuss their group. I will not fuel their hate. I encourage you to join me in making them disappear. Just Black Mirror them and let them exist in their own parallel world where they don’t even realize we don’t see them.
NOT LINKING: The Mets are inviting 50 Cent to throw out the 1st pitch again. Who cares. Who cares. Who cares?