Happy St. Patrick’s Day! A reminder that two beverages can be fun, there is no reason for 8 and you should not embarrass my heritage by making a drunken buffoon of yourself or by celebrating imagery that originates from racism.
Keith Hernandez & The 2018 All Irish Mets Team
The probably almost complete history of Green Mets Uniforms and Caps
SLACKISH REACTION: I was out the door at 6am for a far away soccer tournament so the blog is on autopilot today and I wrote most of this in stages yesterday. (Rubin used to write the morning briefing the night before so I feel less guilty). I even did the rounds and nothing had posted to Google News yet – so NOTHING.
- Today Nope. Saves blogger trouble of doing green uniform screen grabs
- Sunday Nope
- Monday Nope
Here’s a good example of why everyone hates the beat.
Everyone pumping out the same thing. 7 guys tweeting the lineup. So before you hit me with that’s their job….
I had the story too 30 seconds later. From 1000 miles away while drinking an iced coffee. These guys provide no insight, no back story, break no news. It’s stuff we can get from Official Mets. (And SNY had the story 5 minutes after I did somehow). And don’t start me on The Athletic.
You wonder why the newspaper industry is dying? It’s because I can be 98% as good by searching Mets on twitter and crowd-sourcing info. If I devoted myself to just blogging and had like one other guy to backstop me I could probably provide “coverage” just as good as these guys. We don’t need 9 guys retyping the lineup every day. Aim to be better. Aim to be different.
And lest you think I’m wrong – follow @adamrubinmedia. The dude is still better than these guys 14 months into retirement.
NOT LINKING: I think The Athletic is trying to trick @mediagoon, I see an article slugged “March 17” that I clearly saw last night no doubt. Also not linking to “Montero is out of options.”
Enjoy the day. 2 beverages not 8 people.