The Mets will wear these caps today because you know Mother’s Day and stuff.
Thr gets pushed to Tuesday (opponent totally coincidentally happens to be the Blue Jays) and Jake who is totally fine really goes today.
SLACKISH REACTION: I didn’t head there yet but today is Bagel Store Amateur Day as every dopey dad drags his young kids to the bagel store “for Mom” and stumbles through an order. The Mets were rained out in an annoying way that it made me shut off the PS4 and start watching TV. Just call the thing early so people can play video games instead of putzing for an hour.
Other than that, the sadists who schedule soccer games put an 8am and an 11am on my calendar. See ya later.
NOT LINKING: The guys at the AAIMBR rewriting about “The Gilkey Trade” as if its the winter and we’re all dying for content. They also wanna bring back Murph. OK then. And in the Newspaper we’re randomly going after Cespedes.