Mets Police Morning Laziness: I hereby declare the season over.

SLACKISH REACTION: I don’t know what to say as it’s just going to be the same thing again including the specifics of not running The Virus for Bruce in the 9th. I don’t know man, I don’t know.

I guess I could jump up and down the Mets are 8.5 games behind Nationals, which means they’ve given up games to the Nats in the standings in two months.

Oh I know what I will do…..

I hereby declare the season over.

It’s over.

They have to win every game for a week to get back to .500

They’d have to hope the Nationals play .340(ish, I am too lazy to do math this morning) ball for two months to let the Mets catch up, and no team in their right minds is going to play .340 for two months.

It’s over.

And now that it’s over and we’ve all let go, there is no pain and we should focus on What’s Next.

Clearly Nimmo and Conforto should play every day.  The injuries will solve the whole Cespedes/Bruce crowding situation – you may have heard about Cespedes, more on that in a second, and Bruce could probably use some rest.

The newspaper says they are considering sending Conforto to AAA because of his shoulder something something.  How does where you play help a shoulder get better?  Rest him or don’t.

In the IF, obviously we’re building around Rosario – but  over at first if we’re done with Dom (doing nothing I Vegas) let’s see what young Mr. Alonso can do for two weeks.

Here’s a perfect example of The Beat in 2018, and how a fat guy on his couch (actually a fat guy sitting outside on a deck) can be just as good as big institutions.

Jason @DyHrdMet tweeted that Cespedes came out after two innings.  Wasn’t he supposed to play five?  That’s odd.  I did a mulder pic.

My buddy Ken Rosenthal (you may remember Ken yelled at me on twitter but we have made up) went on TV and gave the national audience the Cespedes Update one would have written at 4pm.  It was dated because he doesn’t follow Jason on twitter and obviously didn’t have MiLB Gameday open like I did.

A few innings later when the Mets admitted what happened suddenly there were tons of reports.  Come on guys, you were two hours late on this and those of us who pay attention know it.  Just because Media Relations handed you a piece of paper don’t act like you were all over this.

There’s probably a lot more to talk about by I got soccer games.  LGM.