Mickey Watch Watch: So Much Watch it’s Hard to Watch

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I knew this was going to happen after his press conference last night, but I had no idea it was going to be this bad.

Again, a Mickey Watch Watch watches to see what others may be saying about a possible Mickey Watch.  It does not mean that the manager is in actual trouble, it just means that others are talking about the idea of the manager being in trouble. With that being said, if I was Mickey, I wouldn’t be too comfortable.

There are many articles criticizing Callaway this morning, but I’m going to spotlight the Daily News’ column, in which Kristie Ackert calls Mickey a “snarky skipper”

In his first year as a manager, Callaway has given the Mets reason to wonder if he was ready at times. There was obviously the infamous lineup gaffe in Cincinnati, which he handled fairly gracefully, some odd bullpen moves and lack of double-switching and, of course, the “this isn’t Cleveland” comment, which he clearly didn’t understand was a problem. “Yeah. So how it works in baseball, in the ninth inning or in any inning, you get a guy going and they call down when they’re ready.”With GM Sandy Alderson stepping down earlier this week to deal with recurring cancer and unlikely to come back, even when healthy, the Mets are being run by John Ricco, Omar Minaya and J.P. Ricciardi.

They will likely be looking very closely at how Callaway manages the rest of this season.

Source: Ackert: Snarky Skipper Mickey Callaway should be under the microscope– NY Daily News