The Mets Are About to Become Completely Irrelevant

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I was going to save some of this for Morning Laziness tomorrow, but I figured I should talk about this in a full fledged post while I’m here.

As I said earlier, today was a very slow day in terms of baseball, given that both New York teams had the day off. Tomorrow, however, the Mets resume play on the road, as they embark on a quick five game trip.

With that being said, the Mets are, at least in New York, about to become absolutely obsolete in the eyes of an average sports fan.

Today is probably the last day the Mets are going to be on the backpages, at least until David Wright returns, deGrom gets traded,  Tim Tebow’s promotion, or even Callaway’s departure (Reyes being cut would also be backpage news, but we all know that isn’t going to happen…)

And what’s worse, is that the team across town is about to enter a very exciting stretch. The two best teams in baseball, the Yankees and Red Sox, facing off to avoid the American League Wild Card game, in front of a sold out crowd.

Meanwhile, the two worst teams in the National League, the Mets and the Marlins, face off in Miami, where next to no one will be on-hand to watch. I’ll be at work on Saturday, and I won’t even think twice about checking the score, the series is that un-interesting.

Sure, the season was over before, but there was still some things left up to chance. Will they be buyers or sellers? What’s the future with Alderson? Now, it’s just a clock slowing ticking as the Mets offload players.

The worst part, though? It’s only June….

Now, I will watch the games when the Mets go to Toronto and beyond, and I’m in no way suggesting you should watch the Yankees, but it isn’t fun when watching the game becomes a chore and not a hobby when it isn’t even July 1st.