On Sunday I was waxing poetic about these uniforms…
and was kind of surprised I didn’t have more in them. Well, that’s because I thought they were from 2012, but they are actually from 2011!
It was 2011, and they actually wore them in the regular season once, the second game of a doubleheader pic.twitter.com/12XRAbRYDD
— Eric Sternberg (@Eric_Sternberg) March 24, 2019
Whaddaya know, by searching for 2011 I found more….(look how hideous the side panel is, that’s gotta go.)
And @mediagoon sent these over…
And I found these….there’s the cap I was thinking of in Sunday’s post.
And it has often been proven that I don’t actually READ MetsPolice.com – Erik reminded me we had done an entire post about the Mets wearing these in game – which I will repost here to save everyone a click…this post by @mediagoon on 8/29/11
Reyes is back and the Mets are wearing their BLUE Batting Practice Jersey during the second game of the double header. Thanks to @sclevine on twitter for the heads up.

From Adam Rubin over at ESPN NY
For the second time this season, the Mets are wearing blue uniforms. This time, though, it really is just their warm-up jersey.
On Aug. 5, for Fiesta Latina, the Mets trotted out new blue uniforms
(pictured above), which they likely will make part of their regular rotation in 2013. The Mets are not allowed to wear the new uniforms for two seasons because they must be submitted to MLB by May of the previous season. (Full explanation here.)“These are our BP jerseys, which MLB permits the teams to where in games,” a team official said about the attire for Game 2 of Monday’s doubleheader. “Just mixing it up a little bit.”
Back to 2019 – wow score bugs used to be pretty ugly!
Thanks everyone for helping out on this one.