Worst Idea Ever: man wants Mets to switch from using Meet The Mets to this….

Wow this idea is so so so so bad.

A man wants the Mets to switch away from Meet the Mets to a song he wrote.  Warning: the link I am sending you to might be the heaviest loading website in the history of the internet.  Why is every newspaper’s website super slow with 8 trillion ads and widgets and crap on it?

The song, a poppy electronic dance tune performed by singer Julia Garrison, is designed to appeal to a younger generation, Bruno said, and get people excited about the team.

Bruno imagines Mr. and Mrs. Met — the team’s mascots — directing each side of the stadium, alternating singing each verse of the song before joining together for the chorus.  (Via NJ.com)

If you want to hear the song, click through, wait an hour until all the ads load, then click the Soundcloud link and let me know if you get further than the four seconds I did.  Are you happy now Frank, you got your attention….I’m not sure you’re going to enjoy it.