Here’s the 2019 NL All Star Ballot but don’t bother because Alonso’s gonna be the lone Mets player anyway

Oh yeah forgot about the dopey new format.  Whatever.  I guess it will entertain people but remember the nightmare that was #FaceOfMLB on social.

Anyway, per

Do fans still select the All-Star starters?
Yes. The fans remain responsible for the position players in American League and National League lineups — that’s eight players in the NL and nine in the AL, including the designated hitter.

The difference is that the voting process, as we once knew it, now only constitutes one element of that selection. Where once the top vote-getter at each position during a single voting period advanced straight to the All-Star starting lineup, now the top three vote-getters at each position per league (and top nine in the outfield) will advance from that Primary round to The Starters Election.

When is the Primary Round held?
The Primary began at 2 p.m. ET on Tuesday and will continue until Friday, June 21, at 4 p.m. The Primary will be used to determine the top three vote-getters at every position but the outfield, where the top nine vote-getters will advance to The Starters Election.

Meanwhile props to Michael Baron who had the ballot before’s official 2pm release.  Mr. Baron is being humble but props are props.  I will praise those who have information earlier than me as much as I will chide those who are 12 minutes slower.  All hail Baron!

The important thing here is not to waste your time with it as the only Mets All Star will be Pete Alonso.  Unless America is totally not paying attention and votes Cano off name recognition.

Vote here and #VoteMarkakis like the Mets want you to.