Pace of Play: MLB Softball 60 is the down-low OFFICIAL MLB TWO INNING EXPERIMENT in Europe

A while back I wrote about how cricket fixed their sport by switching to a fasterT20 version….well well well, look what was mentioned in the official Programme Of The London Series.

Now I know you guys think I am just a cranky old man, but you will eventually realize I am the Mad Prophet.

Well take a look at this gang!!!!!  Welcome to MLB60. Even the name suggests they are paying attention to cricket.

The below is the format for rec leagues but boy is this interesting….

And about those ties…

Hey you know what TWO innings of baseball probably would be a lot of fun to play…maybe even watch.  (And at the pace of the London Series that would still be a two hour game.  No really, the first inning Saturday was an hour.)

Now do I think baseball is going to do this, no…..but you can see they paid attention to cricket and somebody is thinking wayyyyyyyyyyyyy out of the box and long term.

Good job Mr. Baseball Innovator who came up with this.

Check out all the rules including two points for a HR, pitching limits (one inning) and more.

An inning of Jake and an inning of Thor and then we go home?  I’m in.   14 batter innings?  No steals?

Almost the kind of thing you should have some minor leaguers do on ESPN during the All Star Break dead time Wednesday.

VERY interesting.  VERRRRRY interesting.