Gil Must Go: Ryan vs Carlton? Not the most glamorous matchup

Gotta laugh at the announced attendance on this one:  “Not Given.”  And no wonder.  Why would anyone want to see Nolan Ryan start a game against Steve Carlton.   Baseball needs stars, not one OK pitcher vs a Mets bullpen guy making a spot start (because our manager is insane and refuses to have a 4 man rotation like normal people.)

Ryan was awful.  3 runs in 5 and 2/3.  Send him back to the bullpen where he belongs.

Gliding Ed Charles still batting .198. Sad.

In the night-cap….Jack DiLauro started.  You know how that went.    Mike Torrez started for the Cards. Am I supposed to know who that is?

Mets are 40-34.  Gil’s luck is running out.