Mets Police Morning Laziness: the worst 86 win team I have ever seen

SLACKISH REACTION:  I want to say exciting finish, but was it?  Or was it just exactly what’s wrong with baseball right now?  A million pitching changes (the Braves used TEN pitchers) and then a home run.  I say it’s everything wrong…

MLB ends the ’19 regular season with attendance of 68.49 million, down 1.7 percent from last year and lowest total since 2003. Sixth decline in the last seven seasons.

— Eric Fisher (@EricFisherSBG) September 29, 2019


Welcome to the off-season when half the blogs go home, and the others will now spend a month doing Report Cards.  Pete Alonso – A!   And it takes 75 writers at the AAIMBR to generate that.   Here at Mets Police since I don’t care about the games I do not fear the off-season.

The Mets finished in third place, 11 games out, 86-76.  Now if I said to you “86 win team” usually you would imagine a pretty good baseball team.  Was this team good?  On the one hand, I feel like had they made the playoffs they could have won it all.  On the other hand, I watched them all summer and they never seemed that good.

It was neither my favorite season (1984 and 2012 being two random ones I loved) nor the worst season (almost every season since 1989).

The 2016 Wild Card Mets won 87 games.  The 2007 Choke Mets won 88 games.  The 1989 Dynasty Killers won 89 games.  The 1984 Mets won 90.

Robinson Cano finished .258 13 and 38.

Amed Rosario snuck in 15 HRs.

Sugar Diaz had 7 blown saves.  Take a look at the Wild Card standings.

deGrom, Wheeler and Matz all iced with 11 wins.  Thor had 10.

There are FIVE aces

And now on to the off-season, the Mickey Watch and our not very good General Manager.  There shall be plenty to talk about.  Hopefully we have not seen the last of Thor, who I heard on SNY could be traded to the Yankees.

The Mets are being sued by someone who says they were injured by a t-shirt being fired into the stands.

Figs talked about why he left SNY.   Sorta.  Not really.  Sounds spinny.