Why did the Cespedes Mets Boar story break 8 months later on a Friday night?

By now you’ve all read the Cespedes Boar Story and everyone (including the non-sports media) has gotten their LOLMets on.

Here’s what I keep wondering – why did this story break at 6:18pm on a Friday night.

I was out and playing on my phone and saw the story around 7.  I considered logging in but I knew everyone and their content farm would do the story, and I do try to be different on this site even if people think the site sucks.  So I went on with my evening.

But WHY did this story break on a Friday night months later?

I see the Post has credited not one, not two, but THREE beat reporters/columnists/whatever you people are to the story.

So let’s head off to Speculation Island.


Theory #1:

The news comes out that the Mets re-did Cespedes’ contract.  The Post guys go digging.   It’s a slow dig.  Each of the three guys gets a little of it.  They almost have the story but are looking for one more piece.

Did they get that one more piece on a Friday?  Why publish the story at 6:18 on a Friday…to make the Saturday papers?  That’s bad newspapering and bad internetting.

The move would have been to do the story on a Monday-Thursday, and let WFAN feed you clicks.  This way, the Post had the EXCLUSIVE for six seconds before every other site copied their work.   So all that Three Man Investigating for nothing.  Or maybe to sell some Saturday papers…again not a good plan.

So that leads me to Theory #2, which I am stealing from @WillMusto

The Mets leaked this to the Post.

The Mets, always fearful of LOLMets, knew a LOLMets was coming.  They knew the Crack Investigative Three Man Team of the Newspaper was on their trail, so someone at Mets Incorporated gave them the piece….and let it be known they would let someone else know the piece.

That would force the Post to get the story printed ASAP so they could have their exclusive and not lose all that hard work to getting beat by Daily News Remnant.    The Mets historically have been tight with the News, who laid off most of their sports department.  If you’re the Post you don’t wanna lose to those clowns…so it’s 6:18pm or nothing.

But why would the Mets do such a thing?

Cover.  And this is where I steal from Will Musto.

If LOLMets is coming anyway, let’s control when it’s coming.  If you’re a fan of the West Wing, the Mets took out the trash.

Let’s get this out there after WFAN has gone home, people aren’t on the internet and OH YEAH TRUMP STARTED WORLD WAR III

World War III is a good way to get cover for a story.   So sure, the Mets knew they’d take a few minutes of LOLMets on a Friday night, and the WFAN morning show will get their chuckles in on Monday – but the rest of the sports media will be talking about how Tom Brady won/lost and the MSM media will be talking about the war or impeachment or whatever else Trump does by then.

For the Mets…this is genius.

As for the main story about the boar…whatever…stuff happens.  I destroyed my shoulder once on the way to the bagel store.   Sure adding in the word “boar” adds some color, but if we remove some of the colorful nouns, the story is…

A baseball player was home and stepped in a hole and fractured his ankle.

That’s a lot less LOL Mets when I take out the details, and remove the Mandela Effect that everyone thinks he broke both ankles.  A guy broke an ankle.  Move along.


This replaces the Morning Laziness for the day which would have just been the boar story and Brian Schneider will manage Syracuse.

There is yet another Shark and Goon podcast if you want to listen to Star Wars content about the dropped Lando Calrissian sub-post in Episode IX