Mets Blogger finally posts shirt that’s been on his desktop for weeks

NEW YORK, January 8, 2010 – Local Mets blogger Shannon Shark today posted an image to popular website Mets Police of a Mets t-shirt.  The image is said to have been on his desktop for weeks.

Some had believed that the image had been there “for months” but a deeper inspection of the image revealed it was created on December 22, 2019 at 9:56am Eastern Standard Time and had not been modified since.

This development that Shark has tapped into his archives has long time fans of the Mets Police Blog hoping that the blogger opens the “Post These” folder that sources confirm has been on his desktop since last winter.  “Post These” is considered to be the Holy Grail of blog posts – a collection that may not even exist, and cannot possibly live up to the hype should it ever indeed be published, compared to the Beach Boys’ Smile or the Chinese Democracy album by Guns and Roses.

Rumors are that religious blogger Mike “@googlinggod” Hayes may have made major contributions to the folder, but that still does not inform us why Shark has never posted the items.  Such a collaboration would be a departure from Shark’s more recent work, with the blog being mainly a solo act since the departure of Keith @mediagoon Blacknick a few years ago.

As for the shirt, it is unclear why the image was posted or what point Shark meant to convey had he taken the time to spin it into a full-fledged article.   Calls for comment were not returned.

A source close to Shark was reached while buying jerseys at Modell’s and said “He probably had to work today and needed to post something.  Watch, now the Mets will announce something major in like five minutes because he’s not around.”

Others feel the entire post was like a third-rate attempt at an Onion article.

Regardless, early reviews suggest the post is considered by most to be more entertaining than the AAIMBR’s article abut Hector Santago’s Year In Review.