Hello. I will keep this short this year, but this is my annual post about the start of the blog back in 2008 – basically I wanted to learn more about “new media” and I was annoyed that MLB teams were wearing jerseys with the same number (42) but no names. Obviously NNOB is a better look on jerseys, but if you were ever going to have names on the back, it would make sense to do it when you can’t use the number as differentiator.
So I started a blog, the name comes from my favorite team and favorite band…and it became a Mets site that took off during the days of obstructed views denials.

So here in 2020, once again I thank you for following and reading. I have been writing less lately because of the times in which we live, and with traffic down it doesn’t make sense for me to spend an hour writing about Joel Youngblood to get 1/3 the normal views. So for now, some light writing, some light reading by you guys (lol) and when things normalize we can all get back to normal.
Thank you…and on to hopefully Season 13 of this.