Poor broke billionaire MLB owners who can’t afford to pay players reportedly sign $Billion TV Deal

Man it sucks that baseball teams are barely profitable and can’t afford to pay the people who will star on the TV shows which are why people will watch the below…

… the league has consummated a new billion-dollar deal with Turner Sports to keep a playoff package that includes one of the league championship series on the network, The Post has learned.

The exact new contract terms are not yet known, but a substantial increase from the $350 million per season that Turner had been paying is expected, according to sources (Via NY Post)

So I’m all in favor of skipping the season and next season and maybe even the season after that.  I imagine the owners are sad this came out in the middle of their negotiations with the labor force.

Also keep in mind, this billion dollars doesn’t include the Other LCS, or the ESPN package, or local RSNs, or whatever happens with way-too-expanded playoffs.