Uh oh, Manfred floats No Baseball In 2020. Fine by me Manfred.

Our old pal @mediagoon put this under my nose while I was out getting Chipotle.

Manfred held his weekly Monday conference call with the 30 owners and sources told The Post that MLB seriously is considering not playing at all this year if it cannot reach an agreement with the players association. (via NY Post.)


Several thoughts here.

  1.  I am totally fine without baseball.  I did admit on twitter there was one night, I think actually a week ago tonight that I would was in the mood for a game.  That was the only time.  But I got over it.   Tonight I am out on BTWD and will play video games on my laptop or maybe just watch Rick & Morty.  I am totally fine with no baseball.
  2. We need to let this sport burn itself to the ground and then start over.  As I have written before, the 2010’s were the worst decade the sport has had since at least the 1930s and probably the 1910s.  Almost nothing happened last decade.  The game has no stars (Reggie Jackson was a superstar, Mike Trout might be sitting next to me and I wouldn’t notice).  The game is slower than slow and boring,.
  3. The more I think about it, the sillier a 48 game season is.  Some team is going to go 25-23 and win the 3rd wild card.  What are we even doing.

So fine, don’t play.  It’s not even summer yet in the real world.  I have plenty of nights to enjoy the warm weather and the long daylight.  I don’t need to waste it on Gary mailing in home run calls or Gelbs telling some story.

You already lost everyone under 40 there Rob, you might as well let us old guys move on as well.

All hail The NBA, the new Game of Summer!