Scully, this is weird. I can’t find Sandy Alderson’s 4pm presser on the internet.
Mulder, there are excerpts everywhere.
I know that Scully, but my friend Niko wanted to watch the entire thing and it seems to be gone.
Gone, Mulder?
Yes, Scully. Gone. I can’t find it on Facebook. @Mets, or the Mets’ Youtube page.
Who cares Mulder, Mets Police recapped it earlier.
Scully, some people think that during the presser Sandy accidentally shared a detail that could help identify the recipient of the texts.
Well Mulder, if that is the case, we wouldn’t want to share that information here as part of this conversation. I think we can all agree to respect the woman’s privacy.
Yes Scully of course. I just wonder why the press conference appears to be missing from Facebook. @Mets, and the Mets’ Youtube page. Maybe I am just terrible at searching.
Mulder, they probably are just trying to do the right thing and protect the woman’s anonymity. It’s the right thing to do.
Scully, you are right. The Mets are probably trying to do the right thing. Even if now it looks like a cover-up.