Matt Harvey pitched at Fake New Yankee Stadium. How did he do? You’ll look!

If there is one stadium that Matt Harvey loves, it’s Fake New Yankee Stadium.  He loves it so much that he has been known to skip an actual game of a team he’s on to attend a game at FNYS.

Matt has been the hottest pitcher in baseball lately, and he’s back in the Big Apple so he’s probably thinking let me crush this baseball game tonight, and then I can crush some burrito time with some ladies whose numbers I still have.

Let’s check the numbers for Matt’s 22nd start of the season.

With one out, Famous Yankee Anthony Rizzo steps in.  11 pitches later…oh no…

PSYCHE!  It’s foul. But not by much.

Rizzo walks on the 13th pitch and here comes The Judge. Surely this will be where Matt melts down.  Nope!

The Judge grounds into a 6-4-3 and I bet Matt is hoping it’s not the last DP of the night, but that’s for after the game.

Normally here I’d show you Confident Matt walking to the dugout but YES didn’t show it so let’s imagine it looked like this.

On to the second… a 1-2-3 and I got home late from volleyball, so let’s move on.

In the third, another 1-2-3 so same note, let’s keep moving.

In the fourth, here’s that pesky Anthony Rizzo again…uh oh we’ve seen Matt make that face before…and we have our featured imagine for the post!

And let’s listen to Michael Kay show Gary Cohen how you call a Home Run without mailing it in.

Verdict: Scully

From here, let’ s let the pictures do the talking…

Hmmm might have to make THAT one the Featured Image.  That’s a great one.

And where is THIS pitch???

If you can’t find it, look above the A in Craftsman.  Now look at the batter’s head.   That’s a bit high.

Anyway Matt gets out of it and we are on to the 5th and……hey….what happened to Matt Harvey?

Matt did not return for the 5th.  Did Brandon Hyde FINALLY learn to read the signs?  Did he see the meltdown coming?  Or is TDK hurt?

It is 10pm and I don’t know the answer and nobody on Twitter has the answer.

For Matty Baseball, 4 innings of 2 run ball.  3 hits, a strikeout and two walks…..and with the O’s off tomorrow, hopefully an evening of babes and burritos.