I can’t watch Mets Opening Day and…. I don’t care!

Well, I find myself in a weird place this morning.

I have family plans this evening, and with the game now pushed back three hours I won’t be able to watch the Mets game.

The interesting part is – I don’t care.

In past seasons this would have driven me nuts.  Today, I am like – whatever.

I think about these 2022 Mets.  You have this guy at SS….


…and now I am never letting it go, so don’t ask.

You have Vulgar Pete and his dopey fans that spell LGM with 4 letters and think that’s cool.

The benevolent billionaire who struts on twitter when things are good and hides out the rest of the time.

7 teams in the playoffs.  The Universal DH.  Black uniforms are back.

A Mets social media account that seemingly only promotes Lindor, and didn’t once acknowledge all spring that the Mets had lost a game like some sort of Baseball Pravda.

4 hour games. Openers.  Strikeouts and home runs and little else.

I’m sure there’s a little other things, but that’s what this is – death by 1000 pinpricks, and I think Baez and Lindor really were pricks 999 and 1000.

So I won’t watch Opening Day.  Or maybe I will see the end.  Point is, I’m not even bothered by it.  I can watch tomorrow (and will have fun mocking the people who think the Apple thing is a big deal, and that’s you Chris Russo.)

The Mets have a Saturday night game which normally I’d blow off and play video games but OK, that might work for me.  Sunday day game – life is too short to sit inside watching baseball and I probably have kids soccer or something anyway.

So it’s Opening Day.  In past years I’d write some flowing piece that starts with “Friends…” and/or be excited about the season.  This year, I don’t care.  It’s just a TV show.