I wonder how Steve Cohen feels about the customer experience on Saturday? He hasn’t tweeted in 7 days (he was very excited that the Mets were about to play the “Reds” and Braves). Maybe he is busy. Anyway Steve, would love to know if you care about this at all. – or are we going to go with something something parking handled by someone else something something excuse.
From a customer standpoint it’s all “the Mets.”
ICYMI, the first game ran long and people were trying to leave the game while others were trying to arrive at the game. SOMEONE scheduled a split doubleheader. SOMEONE picked the start times.
Anyway Steve, here’s a collection of just some of the tweets. Maybe you can have your minions put together a package for you – have them search for “Mets parking” and “Citi Field parking.” I look forward to your tweets on this subject!