Well Braves, I tip my cap to you.
The Mets are playing .625 ball and are on pace to win 101 games so let’s not act like they’ve collapsed.

The Braves have played sustained .800 ball for MONTHS. This morning’s standings are about them, not the Mets
They said God answers all prayers. You had prayed for Meaningful Gamea In September, well you have them.
And there’s a 3 game set against the Braves near the end of the season. Could be fun
On the MLB front – nobody cares about the Braves. Root for New York for the good of the league.
For me, this makes it all watchable. I had no interest in the Mets all summer, coasting along with a lead. Now with every game meaning something, it is more compelling TV all the way to the World Series parade
Time for Mr JDG to step up today. That’s what aces do.