Dear Baseball,
Who is this sport for right now?
I guess fans of the 6 seed are excited, and Joe Davis probably has family in Los Angeles but… I squint at the box score this morning I see time of game 4:35. Did this game really end at 12:35am?
Who is this for?
Now someone is going to point out that playoff games have been ending past midnight for decades now. Yea, I ageee
And do you think the sport is more popular now?
Do you notice the younger millennials and all of Gen-Z don’t care about this sport?
So yes, games have been ending past midnight and guess what – you lost a generation a half.
But now you’re losing the Me people. Generation X, and maybe we ain’t that young any more. I didn’t look at one pitch and have no intention of watching the 6 seed play The Cheaters.
Meanwhile I watched MNF, TNF and will watch at least 7 hours of Red Zone tomorrow. I like my new tv and I like sports. I might even put on some soccer now.
But you plod along with your 4 hour games? Dialing past midnight, with little action and the baseball mafia declaring every game an instant classic because the score changes late. Well if so, the NFL has about five instant classics in the 1pm window alone every week
This is all so broken. Baseball used to be good. Last night even the mlb twitter account seemed excited about a hit and run – that made me laugh – wait, so we don’t want to just Launch Angle this thing and wait for a home run? (By the way remember that time Judge hit 62? Unforgettable, right? Who did he hit it against again? Anyone remember?).
Enjoy your sport. I have better things to do, including going to bed. I hope the west coast enjoyed the game.