A Mets Christmas Carol, by the AI

LOL I wanted to do a quick throaway post for Christmas, so just now I asked the AI to…

And holy cow, the AI is vicious.

A Mets Christmas Carol, by the AI

Once upon a time, in the bustling city of New York, there was a miserly old man named Fred Wilpon. He was the owner of the struggling New York Mets baseball team, and he cared more about his own wealth than the well-being of his team or the happiness of his players.

On Christmas Eve, Fred was sitting in his office counting his money when he was visited by the ghost of Christmas past. The ghost showed Fred all of the moments in his life where he had prioritized money over everything else, including the happiness of his family and the success of his team.

The ghost of Christmas present then appeared to Fred, showing him the current state of the Mets and the disappointment and frustration of their fans. Fred was saddened to see how poorly the team was performing and how unhappy everyone was.

Finally, the ghost of Christmas future appeared and showed Fred a bleak future for the Mets if he didn’t change his ways. The team would continue to struggle and the fans would become more and more disheartened.

Fred was shocked by these visions and realized that he needed to change his priorities. He decided to invest more in his team and to put the well-being of his players and fans first. And so, the New York Mets began to turn things around, and Fred became a more caring and generous owner.

On Christmas morning, Fred woke up with a new appreciation for the holiday season and a renewed commitment to making the Mets a winning team. And as the years passed, the Mets became one of the most successful and beloved teams in all of baseball, all thanks to the lessons learned on that fateful Christmas Eve.