Do the Mets actually think this is a good deal?

The Mets are playing it off that this is a good deal…

Is it though?  Are you like, oh cool – two tickets are $57?

Friend of the Blog Ceetar wisely pointed out that Steve showed off by running a (local insertion) Super Bowl Ad.   Thus, the Mets have to back it up with some sort of attempts to sell tickets.

You may also recall that Jon Heyman had reported the Mets sold over $1,000,000 in tickets after the Mets “signed’ Correa.   Today is 4 days after the Super Bowl – don’t you think if the Super Bowl Ad were successful that Heyman’s sources would have fed him how well the ad was received and how many millions of dollars were spent on Mets tickets?

The Mets also continue to feature Lindor, who you may recall booed Mets fans, in a move that I don’t understand when they have options like Pete, Jeff, Scherzer, Verlander, and Sugar who everyone loves now.

Speaking of marketing, check this out…