Showalter Watch Watch Watch

In a shocking development, following a 101 win season, we have a Showalter Watch Watch Watch.

This is NOT a Showalter Watch.  Allow me to explain for newer readers…

A Showalter Watch will be when the team is 27 games under .500, they’ve lost 7 in a row, Lindor has mooned the fans on 9/11, the papers have a lot of “one Met said” quotes and we hear that Steve is on his way to Atlanta.  This is not that.

A Showalter Watch Watch will be when we look out for a Showalter Watch.  That will come a few weeks before, when the Post starts writing articles about how Edgardo Alfonzo could be the next manager and we have the occasional “one Met said” quote.  Also GKR will be annoyed they even have to attend the games.   This is not that.

Where we are today is a Showalter Watch Watch Watch where we begin to notice the beat getting ornery, which will eventually lead to a Showalter Watch Watch.  In hurricane terms this is when the Weather Channel tells you to keep an eye on Tropical Depression 16 off the coast of Africa.  This is where we are now, as The Athletic opens the can of worms…

And it’s a consequence of manager Buck Showalter’s not maximizing the resources on hand. (via The Athletic.)

That’s it.  One sentence by Tim Britton.  Retweeted by Marc Craig. That’s all it takes.

If Craig Carton were still a thing he’d get 4 hours of it.  Mad Dog in his prime would get two weeks out of it.  Tiki Barber will likely discuss the Raiders options at fullback.  But that’s your fault for listening to WFAN this century….grab some podcasts will ya?

Anyway….there was also a little kerfuffle over the weekend when the beat didn’t like Buck’s answer about Tuesday’s starting pitcher.  And now….a drip here, a drip there.  Weird, right?

All of this has happened before and will happen again.

Eventually Steve will hold a press conference with his new GM and his new field manager and they will tell us how THIS TIME they are going to change the culture so they can win both now, and for a sustained period.

Oh, and the next manager – he’ll be younger so he can connect to “today’s ballplayer.”  That won’t work out either, and in 2026 you will get the veteran manager to steady the ship.