The $1 Hot Dogs


[Jerry is sitting on the couch, reading a newspaper. Steve bursts into the apartment, looking excited.]

Steve: Jerry, I’ve got a great idea for the Mets! Dollar hot dog night!

[Jerry looks up from his newspaper, unimpressed.]

Jerry: (sarcastically) Wow, what an original idea.

Steve: (confused) What do you mean? It’s a great promotion!

Jerry: (sighing)The Phillies had dollar hot dog night for years. They had to stop because fans were throwing hot dogs on the field and having food fights.

Steve: (dismissively) Oh, come on. That won’t happen with our fans.

Jerry: (raising an eyebrow) Really? You don’t think Mets fans are capable of causing a little chaos?

Steve: (confidently) No way. Our fans are different.

Jerry: (smirking) You know you’re right.   Nobody is going to Citi Field on a Tuesday night to pay $30 to park just to get a $1 hot dog.

[Kramer and Newman burst into the apartment, looking excited.]

Newman: Did I hear something about dollar hot dog night?

Steve: (grinning) Yeah, tonight at Citi Field!

Kramer: (enthusiastically) Jerry, you’ve gotta go! Dollar hot dogs are the best! I once ate 50 of them in one game!

Jerry: (disgusted) That’s revolting, Kramer.

Kramer: (proudly) It’s a skill, Jerry. A skill.

[Steve and Kramer high-five, while Jerry shakes his head in disbelief at their enthusiasm for the idea.]

Chad, the Mets social media intern


Steve: Chad, I want to make sure everything is set for our dollar hot dog promotion. Is Mr. Weiner on board?

Chad: (nodding enthusiastically) Yes, Mr. Steve! Mr. Weiner is totally on board. He loves the idea.

Steve: (smiling) Great! Make sure you tweet about the promotion to get the word out.

Chad: (grinning) I’m on it, Mr. Steve! I’ve got the perfect tweet in mind.

[Steve pats Chad on the back and walks away. Chad takes out his laptop and starts typing.]

[Cut to:]


[Jerry, and Elaine  are hanging out in the apartment. Jerry’s phone buzzes with a notification.]

Jerry: (looking at his phone) Oh no…

Elaine: (concerned) What? What is it?

Jerry: (reading aloud) “Get ready for dollar weiner night at Citi Field! You’ll love the way Mr. Weiner’s 6 inches of hot meat feels in your mouth. #DollarWeinerNight #MrWeinerKnowsHowToSatisfy”

Elaine: (cringing) Oh my god…

Elaine: (laughing) I can’t believe they actually tweeted that!

Jerry: (shaking his head) Chad strikes again. Steve’s going to have a fit when he sees this.

Elaine (smirking) I mean, it’s not wrong. Mr. Weiner probably does know his stuff when it comes to hot dogs.


[Steve is walking through the concourse when his phone starts buzzing with senior staff telling to check twitter.

Steve: (to himself) Chad, please tell me you didn’t…

[Steve’s face turns red as he reads the tweet]

Mets Employee:  Steve, we have another problem…..

Steve: now what?


[Gary Cohen, Keith Hernandez, and Ron Darling are in the booth, looking out at the chaotic scene unfolding at Citi Field.]

Gary: (on air) Well,  it looks like we’ve had to stop the game due to the dollar hot dog promotion getting a little out of hand. Fans are throwing hot dogs onto the field and having a full-blown food fight in the stands.

Ron: (shaking his head) This is unbelievable. I’ve never seen anything like it.

Keith: (chuckling) You know, this reminds me of my days back in St. Louis.

Gary: (cautiously) How so, Keith?

Keith: (grinning) Well, let’s just say I knew how to handle my wiener back then. I could make those buns steam all night long.

[Gary and Ron exchange shocked and amused looks.]

Gary: (trying to steer the conversation back) Okay, Keith, I think we get the picture.

[Cut to:]


[Jerry and Elaine are watching the broadcast, cringing and laughing at Keith’s comments.]

Jerry: (shaking his head) I can’t believe Keith just said that on live TV.

Elaine:  Well, you gotta hand it to him. The man does know his way around a wiener.