Where are all the Mets fans, Steve? 25,335 Paid!

Let’s see…

Winning Streak, check!

Cool Black Uniforms, check!

Everyone loves Lindor and he loves us!

LGM with some extra letters.  Extend Pete.  10 more years.

Fun viral OMG thing

The Grimace.

And yet…. 25,000 on a nice Friday night.

Steve – you broke the place.  I have been telling you this for a year now.  Keep ignoring me.  You had 25,000.

But don’t worry Steve, the NY Post carried the Mets’ water:

They are expecting the crowd’s roar — and its crooning — to grow louder.

“We expect to approach the high [30,000s], potential sellouts, especially those last two games against the Phillies [two weekends from now],” Jake Bye, the Mets’ senior VP of ticketing, said over the phone Thursday. “… We have some pretty sophisticated predictive models, and all signs point to having larger crowds than we’ve had in probably decades for these September series, which is really exciting.” (via NY Post)

Jake, Jake, Jake – listen to yourself.  You’re in a playoff race, even if it is expanded playoffs, and you’re talking about having the building with 7000-8000 empty seats.  You sound like a crazy person.

The Pos,t continuing to make excuses, pointed out that “Citi Field was far emptier earlier this year, bringing in an average of 24,071 through the first 24 games of the season. Maybe it was the colder-than-usual April weather.”

Yeah wow I can’t believe they were only average 24 with all that cold weather. Now it’s up to……checks attendance…… 25!  Wow.

Mr. Bye, continuing to sound like a crazy person told the Post,  “…fortunately, the viral stuff happened organically, we jumped on that. And we have an owner that lets us be creative and … make sure people have a world-class time and experience when they’re here.”

Which is a great story except….checks attendance… 25,000.

“We want to make the experience not reliant upon good baseball,” Bye said.

Well that’s good.

Look guys, there’s 15 years of blog posts you guys can read.  If you think OMG, black jerseys,  Grimace and a guy that told the fans to buzz off is the way to go, enjoy your 25,000.  You don;’t understand Mets fans.  You understand the CASUALS, but the casuals don’t stick around.  They never do.  What you’re finding out now is the people who were with you all along can’t even be bothered to come see an 8 game win streak.

Me?  Haven’t watched a single game all year.   Let me know when Lindor is gone.