T7L Diaz T-shirt

Man I hope someone remembers to write super-original content about the Seaver Trade today.  Or maybe they will remember Keith Hernandez was acquired on this date.  And it’s never too early to prep your Bonilla Day content (a contract which will expire before Steve and Alex Cohen win a World Series.)

The T-Shirt Guy has these on his website.  I wonder how these are selling.

Even before Sugar’s struggles, I think this one was…


2024 Mets Father’s Day Cap

I can’t even remember before.  Did we discuss this already?  Are they wearing it on-field?  Anyway, I was served this as an ad on Facebook.  Seems I click on a lot of cap ads.

I like the color combo as such things go.

Mets Independence Day Cap 2024 looks a lot like 2010

This stuff has long since been interesting MLB.  It all needs a break.

The new owners over at Uni Watch (I say that like I haven’t “known” Phil and interacted with hi for 15 years) are maintaining the incredible work that site does, and they have a preview of the whole shebang.

More cool is that I am glad I bought this Stars and Stripes Jersey way back in 2012.  Now THIS is cool.

And in the archives I found this 2010 Stars & Stripes Cap which looks familiar. Hmmm.  Sorry the image is fuzzy, I only had the thumbnail.