Report: Mets seek to push back $250 million loan

Hey you know who I don’t feel the least bit bad for?  These guys.

Variety reports the Mets would like to extend “their existing credit facilities” for a year.

The club’s $250 million loan led by JPMorgan Chase & Co. is scheduled to expire at the end of July, said the people, who were granted anonymity because the matter is private. The team controlled by the Wilpon family is seeking to push the term to July 31, 2021, the person said. (via Variety)

I do not feel bad for them at all.  I don’t feel bad for anyone involved with baseball right now.  Too bad Wilpons.  Too bad.

I know this will just result in the 2021 Team being assembled with the cheapest roster possible – to that point isn’t it great that we took on Cano’s contract? – but I don’t care.  This entire sport needs to be torn down before it can come back.