Sterling or Scully: Nationals Guy calls a Juan Soto Home Run

Welcome to another season of Sterling or Scully.

For new readers, home run calls are given one of two grades.  A home run call is either fantastic and honest, which is given a grade of Scully – or it’s a hack call where the announcer is on autopilot and working in a catch phrase, for example just saying “To the track, to the wall, it’s outta here” would get a grade of Sterling because it’s basically “It is high, it is far, it is gone” even though most of you can’t admit that.

There is no in between.  It is Sterling, or it is Scully.

We begin the season with this call of a Juan Soto home run.  Unfortunately baseball wants you to sit through a 15 second ad to see a short clip because that’s how they market the sport.

What a nice call. Minimal words. Let the moment breathe.

Verdict:  Scully