article: Numerous indicators show youth MLB fandom is on the rise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! has an article titled Numerous indicators show youth MLB fandom is on the rise which of course it is!

Look how young the fanbase on social media is!!!

• On Instagram, 71 percent of MLB followers are under the age of 35, while 61 percent of Instagram’s overall U.S. user base is under 35.
• On Twitter, 66 percent of MLB followers are under the age 35, while 46 percent of Twitter’s overall U.S. user base is under 35.
• On Facebook, 63 percent of MLB’s followers are under 35, while 47 percent of Facebook’s overall user base is under 35.

So yeah the Youths are checking out Insta posts.  Which isn’t attending games or watching games or playing actual baseball…but hey CLICKS!!

I like this next sentence which is waving away TV numbers…which is fine, except that when MLB gets a good # they crow about it.

Nielsen numbers — which are derived from electronic measuring devices in the homes of people who have agreed to be a part of a panel — don’t carry the weight they once did.

Plus there is this!

• The age range of 13-34 accounts for 95 percent of the audience for MLB Originals, which is consumed primarily through YouTube. And for Celebrity Sluggers, 79 percent of views came from viewers under the age of 35.

Which is nice but whats the total audience?  If 100 total people are watching it then 95 isn’t that impressive a number.

And have you ever heard of Celebrity Sluggers?  No, you haven’t.

And here’s a good laugh

“Travel play is increasing,” Marinak said. “And Wiffle ball and catch participation is increasing, but not necessarily tracked.

Yeah um, er, kids are playing wiffle ball!   We don’t track it, but they totally are.  I mean I definitely see more wiffle ball being played now than in 1980, don’t you?

And according to a Simmons survey, MLB has more attendees in the 12-17 age group than any of the major pro sports leagues.

Yes,  81 home games.

Anyway, baseball has a super hot girlfriend, she just goes to a different school which is why you have never met her.  If you would like to read about a league deluding itself and trying to convince you it is getting younger, read this, just don’t read too closely.