Sterling or Scully: a home run call so bad you want to turn the game off

Welcome to another season of Sterling or Scully!

To catch everyone up, this series judges Home Run calls. A call can either be a “Sterling” meaning that it is a terrible home run call, most likely mailed in by an announcer absent mindedly using a catch-phrase such as “To The Track, To The Wall, It’s Outta Here” that doesn’t factor in the actual play.

Or the call is a “Scully” which is a home run call that captures the excitement of the moment in a unique way.  Many times, saying less is more.

A call is either Sterling or it is Scully. There are no in-between grades. You must pick one or the other.

Let’s kick off 2023 with whoever this is on ESPN

This call is challenging. It’s spring training, which everyone is already sick of after 3 days, and the score is 12-5, so this is not Kirk Gibson.

That said, the call is kinda lame. This one is also over the wall? Yawn.

One of the roles of the announcer is to shepherd us through the game. If you don’t care about the home run, why should I care….this call is an invitation to turn the sport off because everyone is clearly bored with the event. Therefore the grade is clear…

VERDICT:  Sterling