Pete Alonso happy to blame you guys that the Mets are the 4th Wild Card

Pete Alosno said:

“I’m on pace for close to 40 homers, I was an All-Star this year, to beat myself up or be frustrated – it’s really no use. I’m really excited for the end of the year where we get to play winning baseball. I’m happy with what I’ve accomplished this year so far”


“I’m on pace for close to 40 homers = I am selfish

I was an All-Star this year = I am unaware that I was a bad pick and there were some politics involved

I’m happy with what I’ve accomplished this year so far” = I’m OK with a .41st best 790 OPS

Pete, Pete, Pete.  You’re supposedly a “leader.”  You’re supposed to say something like  “I feel bad when I let these guys down”  “I’m out there giving it my all, but sometimes I feel like I let these guys down” and “I let these guys down.”  Not “my stats are fine.”

Loser.  And I say that as someone who has watched you “lead” this team to one playoff appearance and…checks notes…one playoff win.   One more than me.  But then again, I let those guys down.