Don’t Trade Jose Reyes Day: June 3rd

Donna sent me this facebook link and impassioned note.

This is a day to celebrate JOSE REYES and to let the mgt know we will not take it lightly if they do the stupid thing and trade one of our fav homegrown boys! So buy your ticket to this game and wear your finest JOSE tee or jersey and bring a sign or 2 telling how you feel!!!!!!


Just quickly to say that I began this EMAIL CAMPAIGN…to save JOSE…

Just think if Jose is no longer on our team…who is going to smile like he does, HI FIVE the players like he does after they do good, who is going to steal a ton of bases making the game more exciting, who is going to lead off like he can, who is going to play around on third base and make the opposing pitcher BALK????……….

Among a million other reasons, we can not let Jose be traded. The fans are barely going to games now…do you really think we want to pay all that money to see triple A players.

AND Who says that we would get enough prospects, and that those prospects would pan out.

Jose is only 28 yrs old (next month) and I am almost sure he would not be holding the team for ransom when negotiating.

He is a home grown guy…like DW and for a change if we keep things as they SHOULD BE…we would have a pretty damn good infield…all home grown.

DW on 3rd, JOSE for SS, Danny boy at 2nd and IKE at 1st…..let them play together for a yr or 2 to see how it works.

ALSO the mgt will be giving Terry a big chance at failure if they trade Jose.

OH WELL have to make believe I am working….Thanks for asking me my reasons for trying to save Jose’s job as a MET… My goal is to flood the email box at AND make them NOT TRADE JOSE!

We need a fan protest of a JOSE REYES DAY AT CITI…everyone needs to wear a Jose tee of jersey! and make tons of signs…how do we get that out there?? Maybe Friday June 3rd…a week before his birthday.




Donna also posted the email campaign link on the wall of the Mets Police Facebook Page.  Hit me with a follow/like/share while you’re there!

Sandy will decide whatever he decides.  I don’t know if the Mets enjoy emails or not.  However, yeah why the heck not – everyone wear (blue) Reyes stuff on the 3rd.  Buy tickets. Support the team!

6 Replies to “Don’t Trade Jose Reyes Day: June 3rd”

  1. the wife bought me delta club seats for my 30th for that night. what the hell, i guess I’ll wear my Reyes jersey for support. Could be the last time I wear it at a game while he’s playing for the Mets

  2. Just to point out, The 7 Line’s Dont Trade Reyes shirts would be perfect for this event

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