Mushnick Article and PSLs Article

As always Mushnick got it right today with this article about announcers who scream too much.   He correctly mentioned Chris Carlin but left off Iron Eagle (THIRD AND NINE FOR THE JETS!) and the suddenly missing Fran Healy.

Meanwhile it’s nice to see that the mainstream media finally starting taking the side of the fans when it comes to PSL’s.   The Daily News:

Most Giants and Jets fans have suggested, through their outrage and protest of PSLs, that they would rather pay their current ticket prices and stay in Giants Stadium as opposed to moving to the new building and paying for the PSLs.

After all the numbers are crunched and all the new fans who Johnson claims are clamoring to get into their PSL-padded seats in 2010 “understand all the aspects,” did the Giants and Jets really need the seat licenses to build this stadium?

Thanks News, but where the hell were you before they sold em.  Thanks for nothing.