August 2012 Stats: Advertise for $50 a month

I expected August to free-fall as fans seem less engaged with the team, but for the most part the stats help August vs July, although both are down from June.  Some day the team will be good for an entire season and we’ll see a pop.  I anticipate traffic will slowly trend down until the annual November pops when the Mets announce uniform tweaks and ticket stuff, then a flat winter until it picks up in March.

As always these are actual eyeballs.  If you’d like me to pull out the bots and spiders to impress you I can do that too.

August vs July 2012

Visits: -4.37%

32,046 vs 33,511
Unique Visitors: -4.08%

18,384 vs 19,165
Pageviews: -10.37%

83,877 vs 93,578


A 300×250 sidebar ad is available for $50/month.  Contact [email protected]

@metspolice has 3798 followers as of September 1 and a Klout score of 56  with influence in the field of “New York Mets.”


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