A-Rod Loves Himself In Details Magazine Article

See that on the left?  That’s the photo that makes the lead in Details magazine.  I knew A-Rod would do his best to take Brodeur’s day away from him.

Coupla things I like in the article:

On being the youngest player in the league:  “I’m like, What am I doing here?” he recalls. “They’re going to bars—I couldn’t get in to half the places.” I ask him if he had a fake ID. “Yeah, I probably had one of those at some point,” Rodriguez says cautiously, as if the Seattle PD might cuff him.

I’m not sure what this means:

Rodriguez doesn’t mind looking a bit human. “At one point I did nothing wrong,” he says, almost with pride. “And now, over the last three or four years, I caught up, you know?”

and he said this before the steroids:

“New York is one of a kind,” Rodriguez says. “It’s made me ask all the tough questions. It’s brought out the best in me. There are some things I have to work on. And that part is fun.” He pauses, and then, perhaps alluding to coming events, says, “Revealing the truth about yourself is always good.”


Enjoy the article


3 Replies to “A-Rod Loves Himself In Details Magazine Article”

  1. That picture so deserves a caption competition.

    “A-Rod dumps Madonna for true love.”

    “Baseball world bemoans twice as much meaningless column inches as A-Rod clones self”

    “Strange side-effects of steroid use become clear.”

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