This is an interesting read to me….while Ken Davidoff is making many of the same points I made after the holiday party, this one has some interesting new revelations. The bold is mine.
And, in an underappreciated part of this saga that soared into visibility this week, Dickey can be a handful. He clearly has enjoyed his rise from the ashes into a Flushing folk hero, and while he deserves praise and riches, there’s also the matter of him having to coexist peacefully in a workplace. His gift for self-promotion and his love of attention don’t endear himself to most teammates. Instead, his durability and outstanding results led him to be appreciated but far from beloved.
If Dickey can’t control his verbiage at a holiday party — “Folks, not today, not with the kids here” was all he had to say to reporters — then how would a full season of uncertainty feel? How many times would Dickey spout off publicly? Or work behind the scenes to make the Mets look bad and boost his own brand?
via Amazin’s won’t knuckle under Dickey’s laughable threats to leave –
I felt this way after reading his book but I knew I was in the minority with this opinion. Kind of puts a different spin on this whole situation.