Mets vs Marlins Not On TV Saturday?

Now that you’re all excited for Mets season, you might not get to see some or all of the Mets game on Saturday.

I brought this up at like 1am Saturday so you probably missed it..but now Mets Today has caught on.

The Mets play at 6pm on Saturday.  That’s right in the middle of the Fox exclusivity window.  By “rules” SNY can’t show the game until 7pm.   Then they can join in progress.

How stupid is this?   Why would the Marlins play at 6 and not 7?  I’m reaching out to Marlins bloggers, I’ll let you know what they say.

This is another one of those things that Bud Selig can’t possibly do anything about…like the night opener on Monday.

So to recap…

If you go to an MLB game your view will be obstructed.

If you stay home, the game may not be televised, and if it is and it’s a Yankees game you’ll get to see the game through netting.

One Reply to “Mets vs Marlins Not On TV Saturday?”

  1. The reason the Marlins don’t care is because there will be no blackout for their fans since this is one of 11 Marlins games with NO local TV coverage. So as far as they’re concerned, it’s no big deal.

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