Continuing our series 5 Questions for an average Mets fan, here’s Ryan.
1. I started following the Mets in 1985. I was on the Indians in my little league and my first ever baseball game was Yanks vs Indians. I rooted for the Indians, because that was my team. The Mets have been my team ever since.
2. Favorite memory?
a) The mass of Mets and the staff rushing out to swarm Orosco after strike three of Game 7
b) Ventura’s grand slam single
c) Being at a double-header vs the Pirates in 1996 or 1997. Robert Person started the second game. The game went into extras and we had moved down from the Upper Deck to right on the rail on the right field line. Hundley ended it with a homer right over our heads…it was awesome.
3.Worst memory?
a) Ball four in 1999 to end the NLCS. b) Being at the last game at Shea and seeing it end that way
4. One off-field thing you’d change?
No more black in the uniforms. Road grays with blue hats and socks, pinstripes at home with the blue hats. Classic.
5. If you owned the team?
Bring back Bobby V. Retire the following numbers: 8, 16, 18, 31
Thanks for doing this….it was cool to think about.
Brooklyn, NY
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