Who are the 5 Greatest Mets?

I remember last year certain other teams were making their 5 and some were pushing for Jeter to push Berra off the list of Ruth, Gehrig, DiMaggio and Mantle…to which I say Yogi has TEN RINGS.  That’s a discussion for another blog….

…here in Flushing I was emailing with one of the reader’s (always happy to converse at [email protected]) and we were chatting about the top four Mets (because of the Old-Timers Day with Joe D, Willie, Michey and the Duke).

Since I can’t imagine any Mets fan not having Tom Seaver on this list. I’ll expand it to 5.

Who are the top 5 Greatest Mets?

No ties.  No “I can’t decide.”  You get 5 names.  Go.   Post here or tweet me @metspolice

My list:  Seaver, Hernandez, Gooden, Koosman and I will say Mazzilli and leave off Piazza in a lame attempt to get you to react 😉

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11 Replies to “Who are the 5 Greatest Mets?”

  1. Kranepool because he was an original and stuck around forever and was one of a few liftime Mets and won a ring, and was around for good and bad times.

    Harrelson because he too was born a Met, and may have stayed a Mets forever, was an All Star and was the cornerstone of the great Mets.


    Koosman. Watch him pitch in the 69 World SEries, watch him mow down the powerful Orioles, totally unhittable. He was pretty a much a Met forever.


  2. Seaver, Piazza, Alfonzo, Strawberry, Gooden

    I know it's different eras, but Alfonzo is comparable to Hernandez and was homegrown.

  3. Further, Carter & Hernandez were not born Mets, nor Piazza, so can't be a top 5er.

    In my book.

  4. Seaver
    Piazza (They've yet to issue another #31, let's retire this thing already)

  5. Seaver, Koosman, Kranepool, Grote, Gooden.
    There. As C.D. Stengel once allegedly said, if you don't have a catcher you'll have a lot of passed balls.

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