TV MLB Shocker: if you put New York vs Los Angeles at 8pm more people watch!

homer asleep

Some fun numbers for the idiots that run sports leagues and cable networks.

Friday:  Stupid Cubs-Cards at 6:30 got 5.3M viewers.  Mets at effing 9:45pm got 4.7M

Saturday: Stupid Cubs-Cards at 5:30 got 4.6M.  Mets at effing 9pm got 4.2M

Monday:  Stupid Cubs-Cards at 6p got 5.7M.  During the Mets at 8:37 against NFL got just 3.9M.  NFL at 12M by the way.


homer couch

However, let’s see what happens if you don’t put the games on in the middle of the night

Yesterday:  Stupid Cubs-Cards late afternoon 6.1M.  Mets at 8pm 6.3M.  BOTH games got more viewers.

Amazing!!!  People from the two biggest markets will watch a game if you put it on when they can stay the frack awake.

It’s as if 79.9% of the US Population lives in either Eastern or Central.

Full ratings breakdown at: Dodgers-Mets, Cardinals-Cubs Playoffs lead cable sports TV ratings for Tuesday October 13, 2015 | Sports TV Ratings


I’m right.  I’m always right.  It just takes you guys forever to realize it.