Mets Pick A Seat Event


I just got back from the pick a seat event at Citi Field today. This is for plan holders who want to upgrade to different plans or move seats.

Let us start off with this. I originally got my slot for 3pm Friday afternoon. Come on Mets! People work! How else are we going to get the money to buy tickets! I get they were trying to give the plan holders with tenure first dibs but they could have easily moved that to first thing this morning.


There were more folks here then I thought there would be. The Mets were supposed to let us go into the stadium at 9 am to go to look at the seats that you want. 9 am because 9:10/9:15. That led to some folks getting antsy and when they finally said you can go up it was like the start of a marathon race. Some ran up the stairs others waited to get on the escalator to go to field level. I was there just to upgrade my seats from a 20 game plan to a 41 game plan. The ticket reps were helpful to a lot of those with questions about seating and plan options.

It was pretty fun walking around from section to section in an open ballpark checking out the different seats and views. From what I could see there didn’t seem to be too many promenade seats available. Shot a pic of some field level seats.

Those tags on the seats are what you grab if you wanted those seats. Then you would bring them up to the Caesars club to check out. The line to check out was comparable to the Pat Lafrieda steak sandwich line down on field level. There definitely seemed to be a buzz. Also some grumbling with folks who had 10 game plans and couldn’t secure their seats because they had to upgrade to a 20 game plan(according to some plan holders).

I was also kinda shocked that they didn’t have the team store open. They usually do have that when they have some kind of event.

Here is some material I grabbed from today.





The share plan is new this year. I don’t know how popular that’s going to be. Would you guys be into that plan?

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