Adios Mets Camo?

Murphy Camo

Some folks on twitter were asking me questions like this…

Plus there is THIS

So what’s the what?

From what I am hearing, Mets Camo is no more.

I can’t remember if that came out in an official thing that I am forgetting (i dont think so) or if Jeff told me when we were hanging out on his yacht (I don’t think so), or how this is in my brain, but I believe it is gone.

It didn’t look good, it wasn’t popular, and I think I am the only person who bought one (I have a Murph camo.) (here comes 3 tweets from @mediagoon where he jumps in and says he also bought one, and then he’ll tweet his 17 camo cap. Roll with the jokes @mediagoon.)

Someone floated a double conspiracy theory that maybe Camo Monday was somehow funded by that thing where teams were being paid to have military salutes etc. I don’t know a thing about that and don’t buy into the conspiracy theory. I imagine this is as simple as, wow nobody buys camo jerseys.

Again all unofficial and what do I know anyway? Just read Mets Police for entertainment purposes and get real Uni news from Uni Watch which briefly addresses this topic today.

And you may choose to listen to Paul Lukas on the Mookiee Podcast (that’s the one I host with Jason Fry where we talk about the Mets and Star Wars) here at the 45:30 mark where he talks about this very subject!

As for why no podcast this week, I was super duper busy and by the time I was free Jason wasn’t.  More soon.