Slide Rules, Replay, @Mets Spoilers and It’s Outta Here

Quick hits….

keith hernandez

Seems there was some kerfuffle about the rules about taking out the second baseman.  I have no problem with the current rule, I had no problem with the previous rule.  In general, when in doubt, baseball should stick with how the game was played for 125 years.

Which brings us to replay.  I always hated it.  Like so many things I bring up on twitter during games I was told I was a cranky old man and my opinion was stupid.  Now you all hate it.  Get rid of it.

In both cases, nature has a way of sorting things out.  Sometimes a play will go your way.  Sometimes it won’t.  Sometimes your guy will get injured in the playoffs, sometimes you’ll get a double play call in a tight game.  Such is life.


ITEM: @Mets spoils the result

I love twitter.  LOVE it.  Especially during games, and last night was especially feisty.  What I hate are spoilers.

I had to unfollow Adam Rubin until November (and I LOVE Adam Rubin who not only outworks everyone, but has done nice things for me I haven’t even told you about that have nothing to do with the Mets).  But Adam likes to tweet results before they appear on my TV, so I am taking a break and get my Mets News from the ESPN Mets feed. All good.

But last night, and not for the first time, my favorite baseball team was a little quick on the draw with the result.  I’m watching the game, hoping Familia can wrap it up, and there’s @mets tweeting the result?  Why @mets, Why?  (And Mr. @mets knows I live him).

Take a beat.  We come to @mets for the added-experience.  Nobody is not-watching, not-listening, and just refreshing twitter for a score.  And if that person does exist and gets a score 8 seconds after real life, at the same time as those watching TV, isn’t that good enough?  No spoilers please.



ITEM: It’s Outta Here.  Gary Cohen is great.  We all know that.  This season it has caught my ear that he’s starting to over-use It’s Outta Here.  Jose Reyes hits one into the uppers – yeah it’s Outta Here!  Flores comes off the bench?  Yeah that’s exciting.  it’s Outta Here!

But I’ve noticed it gets used for home runs that aren’t all that exciting, as if it is said to be said.

Here’s an example.  Lazy day game, mid innings, nothing dramatic here, Mets already up 3-1

As a comparison, here is how Josh Lewin approached the home run, with a call unique to the situation (at 1:10)


Enjoy the sunshine kids.