I have been saying for about a month now that the Mets are unwatchable. Boring baseball being played by non-stars that won’t be here next year. The Wild Card makes it look like they are in a pennant race, but they are dead.
Summer is ticking away.
My advice to you is to enjoy the warm weather while it is here. Go outside. Do something else.
If you need TV to watch, there is plenty of Olympics coverage.
Next week, the Mets do a West Coast trip, so I totally encourage you to recharge and get some sleep. Skip the week.
Then we can all come back, and see where the Mets are. They will probably be dead, and hopefully the team will play for development rather than this weird mosh of Random Players and scrap heap that they run out of there every night. Play Conforto and Nimmo and see what ya got fellas.